Monday, April 9, 2012

Run Your Car On Water Ebook

Run Your Car On Water ebook for Windows. Excerpt: The principle behind getting a vehicle to run on water is simple. Ordinary water from the tap is converted into hydrogen and oxygen in their gaseous state, and this is burnt in the engine instead of gasoline. This is quite an uncomplicated process, as power to burn the hydrogen and oxygen is obtained easily from the existing battery and electrical system of the car, which is then plugged into the carburetor, aided by some simple contraptions. All that needs to be done is to install a plastic water tank that can store water, a control circuit, a reaction chamber, a high pressure carb/FI fitting and three gauges. The procedure for running your car on water is so simple. When the gas pedal is cranked, a reaction causes more vapor to be created electronically for immediate use according to the power applied. The only difference is that water is used in place of the traditional gas.
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