Want to save time planning meals, and on every grocery run? BigOven is award-winning recipe software for Windows, and a massive recipe archive that work together to get you organized and inspired in the kitchen. With BigOven, you can quickly find the recipe you want from over 170,000 choices.
With BigOven for Windows, you can fetch the recipes you want in a single click, and resize them, drop them onto a meal plan or shopping list, get nutrition facts and much more. Easily enter your own recipes, and publish them to the web with a click of the mouse! BigOven goes beyond other recipe organizers by connecting directly to a massive online recipe archive where you can exchange recipes, tips, photos and ratings with other cooks around the world. Join the easiest and most fun recipe swap on the Internet!
Easily enter your own recipe collection... and discover hundreds of thousands of other great choices to add to your own.
Drag and drop recipes onto a grocery list... BigOven will give you a grocery list sorted by aisle, saving you time on every grocery run. Create meal plans quickly -- choose from your rotation or those you've flagged 'Try Soon'. Scale any recipe up or down; let BigOven do the math. Find virtually any recipe by ingredient, cuisine or more
Access your online recipes on your iPad, iPhone, Android or Windows Phone device.
Join a fun online recipe-swap... share your family favorites with others!
Generate Nutrition Facts for any recipe! Much more...
With BigOven for Windows, you can fetch the recipes you want in a single click, and resize them, drop them onto a meal plan or shopping list, get nutrition facts and much more. Easily enter your own recipes, and publish them to the web with a click of the mouse! BigOven goes beyond other recipe organizers by connecting directly to a massive online recipe archive where you can exchange recipes, tips, photos and ratings with other cooks around the world. Join the easiest and most fun recipe swap on the Internet!
Easily enter your own recipe collection... and discover hundreds of thousands of other great choices to add to your own.
Drag and drop recipes onto a grocery list... BigOven will give you a grocery list sorted by aisle, saving you time on every grocery run. Create meal plans quickly -- choose from your rotation or those you've flagged 'Try Soon'. Scale any recipe up or down; let BigOven do the math. Find virtually any recipe by ingredient, cuisine or more
Access your online recipes on your iPad, iPhone, Android or Windows Phone device.
Join a fun online recipe-swap... share your family favorites with others!
Generate Nutrition Facts for any recipe! Much more...
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