Saturday, April 21, 2012

Acai Berry Discounts

Acai berries are extremely healthy and high in many essential nutrients and are categorized as a Superfood. In addition to containing vitamins, acia berries also contain omega 3, amino acids and essential fatty acids, the healthy kind. Açaí is has an unusually high concentration of antioxidants that help combat premature aging, cancer and heart disease. In fact acai berries have more than 10 times the antioxidants than red wine! Acai berries are also consumed for their digestive and colon cleanser properties thanks to the 40% fiber that constitues the acai berry fruit mass. this is great both for entire body detox and colon cleansing. As always when consuming a high fiber content it is extremely important to drink more water. this balances out the fiber and allows for toxins and accumulated resins to flush out of your body.
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