Quote Generator is the answer to your Quote Administration needs. It provides a simple and effective business tool to create, manage and track quotations for your customers. The system allows for the storage of customer details, product descriptions and service costs along with exchange rate functionality that enables quotations to be created for international clients.Quote Generator is an Excel Quote Template application that allows integration of your customer and product information into a single system, from there it is a simple process to create and then track each customer quotation.Key Features1. Customer and Client details stored in the Quote Generator allow for quick and easy reference and reporting on all Quotations sent to particular customer. 2. All your Products and Services can be listed within Quote Generator for specific rates and types. 3. A Quote discount / increase feature has been provided so that you are able to offer a customer a discount or for some reason increase the whole quote a by specific percentage. 4. Exchange Rate functionality allows you to specific Products and Services in a specific Currency and then to produce a Quote in a completely different currency. The Exchange Rate displayed to the Customer can be changed at any time. 5. Customised 'look and feel', you can include your own company logo and standard text for a customer Quote. For example standard payment terms can be included at the bottom of each Quote.
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